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Setup  Socket  Scanner

Note :-  These instructions are for the Socket SDIO Barcode Scanner only.
            Driver Software can be downloaded from CD or Web.



1.  Connect PDA to computer.


2.  Download Socket Scan installation file to your Desktop.

        Windows Mobile 2003 (924Kb)     or    Windows Mobile 2005 (1033Kb)


3.  Connect your PDA to the computer with USB cable.


4.  Copy the file to your PDA  My Documents folder.
      If Microsoft Activesync is running, simply copy and paste this file to
      the Pocket_PC My Documents folder on your desktop.  Activesync
      will transfer the file to the My Documents folder on your PDA.


5.  On your PDA, click on Start, File Explorer, My Device,
       My Documents.


6.  Click on the Socketscan.Cab icon.


7.  Disconnect the PDA and do a Soft Reset.


8.  Insert Barcode Scanner into SDIO slot in PDA.


9.  On the PDA, a little scanner icon should appear
      in the toolbox (bottom right of the PDA screen)
      Select this, then Prefix/Suffix
      Set Suffix to  \t  for a tab, then click OK.
      To do this, select the keyboard bottom screen.


10.  Next, set the button you will use to scan barcodes.
       To do this, select Start, Settings, Buttons
       Select a button and assign program SocketScan.


11.  Also, the same button when held, set to None.
       Click OK, Close.


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